Media Arts Class



This course is an introduction to computer programming...

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and application of object-oriented programming skills in p5.js.
  2. Embody code as an expressive medium by learning its strengths and limitations.
  3. Investigate the relationship between code, design, and critique through past...

Community Agreement

Critical Computation is a community of learners interested in exploring the creation of art and design with technology...

Assignment Rubric

Assessment Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Code Does not meet the stated requirements. Is missing core components of the assignment. Contains significant errors that display a lack of comprehension or understanding of the material. Ability to develop working functional code with limited errors. Demonstrates comprehension by building upon the technical concepts in submitted work. Initiates learning beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment. Attempts to develop skills and takes risk without sacrificing legibility and functionality of code. Creative solutions to nuanced and complex problems in programming. Code is formatted in an organized, highly readable manner, within minimum bugs and errors.
Design Design shows a lack of intentions or does not respond to the assignment brief. Design elements are intentional and motivated by the assignment brief. Design demonstrates an emerging level of care and consideration. Work shows strong potential with space for improvement. Design demonstrates a well developed sense of aesthetics or form through execution. The work demonstrates mature consideration of the relationship between concept and execution.
Critique Engages superficially with the conceptual material delivered each week. Evidence of engagement with the conceptual material delivered each week. Demonstrates engagement with the conceptual material beyond the minimum requirements for the course. Shows emerging fluency in utilizing concepts within their own work. Demonstrates fluent grasp of conceptual material presented. Is able to skillfully integrate concepts into their own work. Ability to build compelling narratives around individual assignments.

Final Grade Calculation

Participation / Attendance 15%
Reading Responses 15%
Assignment #1~6 30%
Assignment #7 20%
Assignment #8~9 10%
Assignment #10 10%

University, College/School, and Program Policies

Academic Integrity

Compromising your academic integrity may lead to serious consequences, including...

Remote Learning Environment Expectations

In order to make the most out of remote learning, we need everyone...


In rare instances, instructors may be delayed for synchronous sessions...